• unasperanzaperteresa
Teresa’s journey continues

Teresa’s journey continues

Hello everyone,

It’s been a while since our last update, and we feel the desire to share with you some important developments. As many of you may know, last June Teresa traveled to Houston to begin a challenging treatment journey. This journey was made possible thanks to the incredible support and collaboration of many kind-hearted people.
Teresa’s journey has been filled with very challenging obstacles. Currently, she is undergoing a new experimental treatment at MD Anderson in Houston, after having completed a phase of treatment in Italy. Her determination and energy are extraordinary and serve as an example of strength and resilience for all of us.
It’s important for us to share with you the fact that wherever we’ve been, we have always received incredible support, solidarity, welcome, and availability from numerous individuals, doctors, facilities, and institutions. This ongoing flow of support has contributed significantly to fueling our hope and giving us the strength to carry on.
Research on sarcomas is an active field, but given the rarity of these malignancies, there are still many challenges to face. Additionally, treatment and access to new therapies are particularly delicate for pediatric and adolescent patients between the ages of 13 and 17.
Teresa’s journey continues, and we, as her family, continue to nurture hope for further treatments and research. We will keep you updated on any developments, hoping to share positive news soon.
We sincerely thank you for your continuous support and ask you to keep Teresa and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

With sincere gratitude and hope